תפילה וברכות


  • ד' אלול התשע"ה


My Son dream t not long ago that i won the lottery & became rich.I was walking and saw One of the many buildings i had & it said in big blue letters in the middle of the building my name,i was clearly an executive with many buildings..{.since then i continue to buy lottery tickets but hardly win a dollar :)...the dream was in the morning,possibly shabbat,since i learned about dreams i understand that someone who dreamt about me is stronger than stam a dream.what's your take on this kvod harav>?


To the Questioner,

It is difficult to ascertain wheter your son's dream was a true one since it is hard to determine from a child's perspective whether the criteria that make it a true dream were present (e.g. that he wasn't thinking about this during the days preceeding the dream

In any case, even if it was a true dream, it sounds from your letter that you constantly anticipate that the dream should come true. However, this factor alone, can hold it back from coming true 

The Gemara in  Brachos (32b) says that if a person actively anticipates the fulfillment of a desired result, that it only brings about heartache (meaning that the actual result is held back from taking place 

Therefore it is much better that you do not think about it, don't even buy tickets all the time, just sometimes when it happens to be right in front of you, and even then try your best not to think whatsoever about the result.

With Bracha,

Rav Nachum


להרחבה ושאלות נוספות, ניתן לפנות אל רבני שו"ת הידברות במייל rav2@htv.co.il

כתבות שאולי פספסת

הידברות שופס

מסע אל האמת - הרב זמיר כהן


מוצרים נוספים

מגילת רות אופקי אבות - הרב זמיר כהן

המלך דוד - הרב אליהו עמר

סטרוס נירוסטה זכוכית

מעמד לבקבוק יין

אלי לומד על החגים - שבועות

ספר תורה אשכנזי לילדים

לכל המוצרים

*לחיפוש ביטוי מדויק יש להשתמש במירכאות. לדוגמא: "טהרת המשפחה", "הרב זמיר כהן" וכן הלאה