שאל את הרב - כללי

cocking for chag

  • כ"ג אלול התשע"ה


I am Yemenite and I have an electric stove top and not a gas, I wanted to know if I can use it for chag, I red few years ago that I can . When the spiral under the glass become red I can put up the heat and when its dark no light I can turn it down since there is no electricity going. Can you tell me where the Makor to that. this way i can cook during chag


To tjhe Questioner, 

You can use the gas for chag:

1- if you turn it on from before the Yom Tov

2- and you leave it on entire Yom Tov

3 - and you do not change setting at all the whole time of the Yom Tov to make higher or lower

(since it is electric you cannot change the setting at all because either higher or lower causes change in the electricity which is prohibited even in Yom Tov)

see mekor here:


With Bracha

Rav Nachum


להרחבה ושאלות נוספות, ניתן לפנות אל רבני שו"ת הידברות במייל rav2@htv.co.il

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*לחיפוש ביטוי מדויק יש להשתמש במירכאות. לדוגמא: "טהרת המשפחה", "הרב זמיר כהן" וכן הלאה