שאל את הרב - כללי

chanukat habayit

  • ה' אדר א' התשע"ו


My kids renovated their home and they moved back in this week. do they have to make Chanukkat Habait and when? the other question. Almond milk spilt into a plastic container that a piece of chicken in it. The almond milk is dairy. What shall I do? Thanks for all your answers we don't have a rav here .ora


To the Questioner,

1. Regarding Chanukat Habyit, it is not obligatory but rather a custom. 

It need not be done immediately the day of entering, and can be done shortly after entering

See also additional customs quoted here from site:

  • https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/472142/jewish/Moving-to-a-New-Home.htm
  • According to an age-old Jewish custom, the first items brought into a new home are bread and salt".
  • It is recommended to bring some Jewish books and a charity box into the home even before the movers bring in the rest of the boxes. This establishes the Jewish flavor of the home; a home which will hopefully be a haven of study and kindness.

  • Tuesday is the most propitious day of the week for scheduling the actual move, the only day when G‑d saw that "it is good" twice. Some have the custom of moving in on Friday , so that the move and use of the house itself be initially in honor of the Shabbos. Mondays and Wednesdays are inauspicious days to plan a move since according to kabbalah, the Divine attribute of severity is dominant on these days.
  • Before moving into a new home, some have the beautiful custom of inviting a group of young children to study some Torah in the house. "The existence of the world is dependent on the [Torah issued from the] breath of children." The Torah study of young pure souls has a spiritually purifying effect on the entire area.
  • Shortly after entering a new home, it is customary to host a Chanukat Habayit (home dedication) party. At this gathering, words of Torah are spoken and family and friends use the occasion to express their blessings and wishes for a fruitful and happy stay in this new home."

2. If both were cold  and the chicken did not lie stationary in the milk for 24 hours straight, the surface of the chicken can be washed off very well and is kosher to eat  - assuming that the chicken does not have any crevices in it  but has rather a totally smooth outer surface.

If there are crevices in the chicken  it cannot be used since the milk might have leaked into the openings and does not come out even after being washed.

[This is all assuming that there is actual milk as one of the ingredients of the almond milk. If the almond milk is essentially parave, just that you called it milchig because you have eaten it aroung milchig foods, then the chicken can be used after being washed, even if it has crevices.]

With Bracha, 

Rav Nachum


להרחבה ושאלות נוספות, ניתן לפנות אל רבני שו"ת הידברות במייל rav2@htv.co.il

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*לחיפוש ביטוי מדויק יש להשתמש במירכאות. לדוגמא: "טהרת המשפחה", "הרב זמיר כהן" וכן הלאה