
Questions Regarding Jewish Belief

  • כ"ה שבט התשע"ז


• When you have a question, for instance: why does the world orbit around the sun, and you’re trying to find an answer. You can’t say, that the reason the world is in orbit around the sun is because it wants to. You need to come up with a hypothesis that makes logical sense. For example: the world orbits around the sun because the gravity of the sun keeps it in orbit. The reason that it is a good hypothesis, is because it makes logical sense. After you have a hypothesis you need to test it, and then get to a conclusion based on the results. When it comes to god we have a question. how can the world exist? How did it come to be? Their where plenty of hypotheses throughout the generation’s. some logical and most not. When you say that “god” created the world it is not a sound hypothesis because it makes no logical sense. (the only reason god is considered as a good hypothesis is because there is no other logical explanation “yet”), but there are a lot of questions that we didn’t have answers to, and bit by bit we found an answer for them. So how can god be? How does it make any sense that he created the world? How can he be considered a good explanation for the existence of the entire world when it is not even logical that he exists? • If god can’t be proven for certain how can he expect people to worship him? And how can they be punished for not worshiping him when there is no conclusive proof? Even more so how can we concisely kill another person based on the laws of the bible when we can’t know in 100% that he exists, isn’t that considered murder? (to kill someone without knowing for sure that your doing the right thing) • How can god punish people for doing what they think is right (an atheist for example) if they are doing it based on the knowledge and “tools” that god gave them in life? • If god has no time and he knows the future what choice do we really have? And what could possibly be the purpose of it all to god, who is not human and logically would not have “feelings” of any kind? • Everyone knows that it is wrong to kill, and yet there are people who would do it anyway out of anger or such, even if they know that there going to get caught and punished for their actions. So how come god can’t reveal himself to the world if we know that it won’t affect our free will? just like the killer who knew he was going to be punished for his actions and did it anyway. • If science has proven anything it is that we still have way more to discover. But we know things now that we didn’t know before. so how can the fact that the world is not yet explained by science prove that there is a god? • God can do anything. So, can god create a rock that he can’t pick up? And so on • If god has no time. How can he constrict himself to its laws, on the one hand he is timeless, but on the other hand he created a universe which is essentially god himself, that is constricted to the laws of time? • Who says life must have a purpose? (sure, it feels better but so what if it does) • How can you prove god through the bible, if every word is interpreted in many ways? And you choose which one makes the most sense at the time? • Throughout the generations people have worshiped god because of some kind of brainwash which means they haven’t really worshiped anything at all but rather follow like sheep. How does this play into god’s grand plan, and how can they be rewarded for their actions if they were not really their own?


To the Questioner, 

1. "When you have a question, for instance: why does the world orbit around the sun..."

-  You are already assuming that the world orbits around the sun; however, this itself is only hypothesis. You can never prove conclusively what is revolving around what in un-limited space. 

2. "When it comes to god we have a question. How can the world exist? How did it come to be? There were plenty of hypotheses... "

- You don't need a hypotheisis regarding G-d, you can prove His Existence to yourself (see appendix to this letter).

3. "So how can god be? How does it make any sense that he created the world?"

- If He is really G-d, then it follows logically that His knowledge and understanding are greater than mine; therefore, I do not have to understand how He created the world. I only have to understand logically with my limited knowlrdge and understanding - once I have verified for myself that He really Exists (see Answer 2) - what He wants me to do while I'm here.

4. "If god can’t be proven for certain... "

 - This is a wrong assumption, see Answer 2.

5. "And how can they be punished for not worshiping him when there is no conclusive proof?"

- There is, see Answer 2. 

6. "How can god punish people for doing what they think is right (an atheist for example) if they are doing it based on the knowledge and “tools” that god gave them in life?"

- According to traditional Jewish belief, G-d only holds man responsible for something that he had within his ability to know ("measure for measure"). If there is someone in the world who truly had no clue or ability to discover what was true in life, he is not held culpable by G-d.

7. "If god has no time and he knows the future what choice do we really have?"

- According to traditional Jewish belief, G-d's Foreknowledge vs. man's free choice is not a contradiction; it's only a paradox, and a paradox has a solution - even though to us it is a seeming contradiction. Both realities exist constantly and simultaneously.

8. "And what could possibly be the purpose of it all to god?"

- According to traditional Jewish belief, G-d created the world because He is in Essence, Good; and the desire of a Good Being is to Give of that Good to others.

9. "So how come god can’t reveal himself to the world if we know that it won’t affect our free will?

- If G-d were to reveal himself to the world of course it would affect our free will.

10. "just like the killer who knew he was going to be punished for his actions and did it anyway."

- It is not clear at all what your intent is in this comparison.

11. "so how can the fact that the world is not yet explained by science prove that there is a god?"

- I don't know why you assume this is a proof. The proof of G-d's Existence is to yourself, see Answer 2. 

12. " can god create a rock that he can’t pick up?"

- The Rambam (Maimonides) has taught us clearly (Moreh Nevuchim 1-75) that the inability to do a "defintional-impossibility" does not show any lack of ability. For example, being that G-d is by definition Infinite and One, it does not show any lack of ability on His part if He cannot create another god exactly like Him.

13. "If god has no time. How can he constrict himself to its laws?"

-  According to traditional Jewish sources, at the time that G-d created the world, He created the dimension of time as well.

14. "but on the other hand he created a universe which is essentially god himself"

- It is not clear what you are trying to express here.

15. Who says life must have a purpose?

- See Answers 2 and 3, that once you have proven G-d's Existence to yourself, you need to understand what He wants you to do while you're here.

16. "How can you prove god through the bible, if every word is interpreted in many ways?"

- You don't have to prove G-d's Existence through the bible, see Answer 2. Once you have proven G-d's Existence to yourself and you want to understand what He wants you to do, all you need to understand is the interpretation of the Hebrew language. G-d gave the Torah in the original Hebrew language, and He only expects you to understand it's laws according to what He has communicated to you in Hebrew. 

17. "And you choose which one makes the most sense at the time?"

- No, there is a process that G-d tells us in the Torah to follow whereby you can clarify what He wants you to do in any given situation. 

18. "Throughout the generations people have worshiped god because of some kind of brainwash which means they haven’t really worshiped anything at all but rather follow like sheep."

- You are asserting a statement here which is not true historically.

19. "how can they be rewarded for their actions if they were not really their own?"

- Obviously a person can only be rewarded for their actions if they were done from their own accord.

With Blessings, 

Rav Nachum

APPENDIX [Copied with permission from "It's All for the GOOD" (Chapter 4):

According to traditional Jewish belief, Hashem (G-d) does not only desire our worship, He desires to giveto us as well. It follows from this, that if we choose to worship Him and then ask of Him to do something for us, He will oblige. After all, if, as we believe, He is All-powerful and He also desires to give to us, there must be nothing holding Him back from doing so.  

So wouldn’t the way for us to verify whether He is here, be for us to ask Him for things that we need, time and time again? Then, if He fulfills them time and time again without fail, it will become obvious that He really is here, He really does Exist, and He has full control over everything in our lives.

One or two times might not be enough to fully verify this for ourselves; but if we asked for many things, time and time again, and each and every time we’d see that our requests fulfilled, wouldn’t that be a clear enough verification for anyone that He must be present and have full control?

The only problem with this ‘litmus test’ is that we see many people who do worship Hashem but are not always answered in their prayers; and even if they are, it is certainly not each and every time for everything they request. If so, how will our asking time and time again possibly serve as a proof?!

The answer is that there are different types of prayers.

Hashem certainly listens to every prayer and always desires to give to us by fulfilling our requests; just that some types of prayers get answered immediately, and others only after a lapse of time.

The type of prayer we are referring to here as a ‘test’ is specifically that type which is “formatted” to be answered immediately. There are specific rules that a person must follow in order for his prayers to be answered “immediately [This does not mean that a person should not pray other forms of prayer and ask Hashem for things that are appropriate to ask for that are not usually “answered immediately”. It simply means that in order to achieve the verification for someone who needs to verify the axiomatic ‘starting point’ and to know without a doubt that Hashem exists and is All-inclusive and All-powerful, it is necessary to practice also praying in the “format” of prayers that are “answered immediately”, in order to obtain the sought-after verification.] But once he follows those rules, he should be able to see answers to his prayers – time and time again, for each and every one. He can then know with certainty, at least within himself and through his own experience – the truth of Hashem's Existence.

There are three main rules, according to the teachings of our Sages, that we need to keep in mind when praying specifically for the purpose of being answered “immediately” and ‘seeing’ an answer to the prayer:

Ask for Smaller Requests

Rule One: Ask for such results that you know you have enough merit to obtain.

Hashem has designed this world to run according to the principle of “measure for measure". Commensurate to the amount of effort that one puts into his worship of Hashem, is he worthy of receiving Hashem’s Benevolence.

Therefore, although a person could and should ask for all the bigger things in life - for example, that Hashem bring us the Final Redemption, that there be world peace, that there be unity between all Jews, etc. - such ‘universal’ requests will not help clarify whether Hashem is here and listening. The amount of merit that is necessary to achieve such results, is likely much more than we each have at the present moment, and so we will not witness any immediate answer.

However, when we ask for results that we can be confident that we already do have enough merit for, e.g. for the “smaller things” that we may need for that specific day – ‘daily’ requests such as these can help us to clarify for ourselves whether Hashem is here and listening [It is worth reminding ourselves at this point of the words of the Ari z”l to his main disciple Rav Chaim Vital z”l: “The greatness of the soul is not dependent on the acts of the person but rather according to the specific time and generation. For a very small act in a generation like this, carries the [same] weight of a number of great mitzvos that were [performed] in other generations; since in these generations the cover-up [of spirituality] has gained very, very much strength [almost] to no limit, which was not so in the earlier generations” (Sefer Hachezyonos). That statement was made four hundred years ago. How much more so does it apply to our times! Therefore, it is safe to assume that anyone who fulfills even some mitzvos (commandments) nowadays - but with true sincerity, has more than enough merits in order for Hashem to orchestrate the events of his day in a favorable way.]

For example, requesting that we be able to get to work/school on time without getting stuck in traffic [this is assuming that one did not leave in the last minute – which would take a much greater amount of merit to be on time], or that we be able to stop into a bank and make a deposit without the line taking ‘forever’, or that the supper we are cooking come out tasty and good, etc. are “smaller requests” that are needed to be answered on the same day.  The amount of merit that is necessary to access such results is not a great deal, and we can safely assume that we already have that amount of merit.

Do Not Actively Expect

Rule Two: After completing your prayer, do not actively wait for it to be fulfilled.

Our Sages teach, that even in a case where a person was worthy of being answered for his prayers, the result will nonetheless not occur as long as the supplicant is focused on expecting, or actively waiting, for it to appear. Even if the petitioner’s request was already granted from on high, it cannot emerge into the reality of this world until the requester is distracted from actively anticipating the desired outcome.

The Talmud in tractate Brachos says, “Anyone who is lengthy in his prayer and examines it (i.e. he is actively expecting that his request be fulfilled due to its lengthiness [and his exerted intent in his prayer] - Rashi) – comes out at the end with heartache (i.e. at the end his request is not fulfilled, and it comes out that [the] expectant yearning was in vain; and it is a heartache when a person awaits actively and his desire does not come [about] – Rashi)”.

Any prayer that one requests of Hashem and then ‘looks over his shoulder’, actively waiting to see it materialize - does not immediately come about. When a person puts added effort into his prayer, expecting that it will definitely be fulfilled due to his extra concentration, it will only result in disappointment and heartache, since redemption from one’s situation of need can only materialize when one’s attention is distracted from his initial request.

On a practical level, this teaches us that in order to see Hashem answer our prayers, we must make sure to turn our attention away from the petitioned request right after we conclude our prayers about it.

Check Back After the Fact

Rule Three: Check back at the day’s end to see whether you were answered.

It is very easy to forget to go back and check to see whether Hashem actually answered us, since, after all, one of the rules is that after praying we need to distract ourselves from the original request. Therefore, in order to reap the benefits of the verification we are looking for, it is necessary to make a concerted effort to go back and see whether we were answered.

 A suitable time to make this accounting is at the end of the day, right before going to sleep. Start off by trying to remember what “small things” you asked for that day in your prayers [Or perhaps jot them down earlier in the day as you make them, and keep the paper or notebook somewhere where it won’t catch your attention (so you’ll be able to distract yourself during the day)]. Then review the events of the day in your mind, and see whether Hashem “answered” you or not.

Here’s the rule of what to look for during this “check-time”: “Was the core heart-request of my prayer fulfilled or not?”

Very often Hashem has clearly answered our prayers - just that we don’t see it. This is because we tend to picture in our minds that Hashem will bring about whatever we asked for in the exact manner in which we imagined Him to. In reality, though, very often Hashem will bring about the result that we needed and were praying for, but through a completely different means than how we expected it would come about.   

For example, imagine someone who, following the first rule, asks Hashem in the morning a ‘small request’ to help him pay back a $200 loan which is due on that day and right now he has nothing. With full belief and sincerity he asks Hashem to help him pay it back today – somehow – as it will be too overwhelming for him to face his creditor after today if he doesn’t.

He then goes through the entire day following the second rule – he distracts himself from his request and not does actively expect - yet he also has full trust that somehow, by the end of the day, the $200 will suddenly appear.

But it never does show up – at least not the way he thought it would, e.g. by someone knocking on his door and presenting him with $200. But...interestingly enough, in the mail that day there was a check for $250 from his parents - as a down payment for an apartment they’re planning to rent in his neighborhood when they come to visit him next month.

When reviewing the events of his day it is very easy for this supplicant to feel that he was not answered. After all, no money came in specifically for him, he is just as lacking now as he was in the morning.

But if he would look a bit deeper, if he would look at what he was really asking of Hashem in his core heart-request - that by the end of the day he should have enough money to pay back his creditor so as not to be embarrassed when facing him - then he was answered. 

By the end of the day he had full access to the entire sum needed for him to avoid the embarrassment from his creditor [we are assuming here for the purpose of the example that these parents trust their son and give him permission to manage the money they forwarded him in any responsible way he sees fit]. For he knows that he’ll be able to easily replace the money used today with other monies that are due to come in the next week, in plenty of time to make the down payment for his parents.

Therefore, when reviewing the events of the day, always keep in mind that Hashem’s answer doesn’t necessarily have to look the way we expected it to. It is very likely, that for Hashem to fulfill our requests in the direct way that we had in mind, it would take a lot more merits to obtain; and therefore Hashem did it in a way that is more concealed. But at the end of the day, if you had what you really needed and your core heart-request was fulfilled, it’s correct to view it as Hashem “having answered” your initial request.

Again and Again

Does all this sound theoretical and not real? Then just try it. I believe that if you follow the aforementioned rules you will be quite surprised.

The first time it “works”, you may not be very moved, as it might seem to have happened simply ‘by chance’; so too, the second time, or third. But keep doing it again and again, and at a certain point you’ll find yourself saying, “This can’t just be by chance. It can’t be that each and every time I ask for something, my core request is fulfilled; and, strangely enough, when I don’t ask for what I need, it doesn’t usually work out in the way I wanted”.


You will slowly come to realize, in a deep, subconscious way, that Hashem is not only the Infinite Creator who brought everything into existence many years ago; but also that His True All-inclusive and All-powerful Reality exists and is very much an active part of our lives – even presently, in our daily mundane activities, each and every day.






להרחבה ושאלות נוספות, ניתן לפנות אל רבני שו"ת הידברות במייל rav2@htv.co.il

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מסע אל האמת - הרב זמיר כהן


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*לחיפוש ביטוי מדויק יש להשתמש במירכאות. לדוגמא: "טהרת המשפחה", "הרב זמיר כהן" וכן הלאה