הלכות ומנהגים

When do you need to name a baby girl?

  • י"ד תמוז התשע"ט


Are u allowed to fly on the 9th of Av?
If a baby girl was born on July 1st which is kaf chet Sivan when should you name her in shule? Hebrew name of course.
We live in the US.


Good evening,

1. It's not right to fly during the nine days especially not on the ninth of Av at least until midday, If there is a special need You can be lenient.

2. There are different customs, There are those who name her at the first reading of the Torah After birth, and some wait Until Shabbat.


Hillel Myers




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*לחיפוש ביטוי מדויק יש להשתמש במירכאות. לדוגמא: "טהרת המשפחה", "הרב זמיר כהן" וכן הלאה